Condensation Management

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The NCC 2022 Condensation Management Provisions build on NCC 2019 Provisions to further enhance the Standard and further decrease health risks and building damage associated with high moisture levels in new homes.

Section 10.8.1 relates to vapour permeable building membranes and has not changed. There are 2 sections relating to ventilation in NCC 2022 – 10.8.2 (Exhaust Systems) and 10.8.3 (Ventilation of Roof Spaces) that are covered by our handbook.

Condensation Management provisions have become an additional challenge for builders to address – and a rethink of ventilation was required. Alpine Ventilation has developed comprehensive and innovative solutions to these new provisions that are: attractively designed, visually appealing, cost effective, BAL rated and easy to install. Click on the handbook on one of our product pages below.