For us at Alpine Ventilation, the protection of our customer’s personal information is an important aspect in delivering a seamless and safer online experience. Our privacy policy explains how we collect data and use it to improve our services.


The information we collect includes your primary e-mail address, name, address and contact number. We may also collect relevant details about our customers such as their demographic information, age and gender. Along with this, we also collect details of computer hardware, software and IP address.

Gathering such information and details of our customers helps our product and marketing team to improve our service and product quality.


Alpine Ventilation gathers and uses customers’ personal details to deliver a personalised experience. We make sure that our customers are aware of our new products, services and offers that we have launched and are available on our website for sale.

We assure all our customers that we do not sell our customer information to third parties under any circumstances. However, we may share your information with our team to provide you with customer support in case there are any queries or concerns related to your delivery. We maintain strict confidentiality and make sure that your information is not being disclosed without your explicit consent. We only disclose relevant customer personal information for cases related to law or to protect our rights and property.


Alpine Ventilation uses cookies in order to deliver a personalised experience to website users and visitors. This information further helps the user with their subsequent visits to our website. Cookies record relevant personal information including your billing and shipping address and much more.

You can modify your browser’s settings and accept or decline cookies according to your preference.


All your personal information is kept safe and secure from unauthorized access at Alpine Ventilation. When you provide your contact details and other information to us, we make sure that it won’t be misused by a third party. To do this, we offer a controlled and secure environment to prevent unauthorized disclosure.


We work continuously to improve our privacy policy and offer a new and improved version of our services. In order to do this, we occasionally update policy statements and take customer feedback into account.


We welcome you to review our privacy statement. We value your feedback, if you have any suggestions or recommendations for our team, feel free to contact us at